30 August, 2011

Food Party

Food Party has released on pigg life

You can place 1 table in your garden from plant level 11.
When you eat a food, sometimes your stamina revival 1 point.
But I still can not find what's the merit to serve food for someone.
Because we get nothing when we serve the foods.

You can eat 20 times per 1 day.
You can eat 1 times from 1 person.

How to Serve the food?
①Buy a table in the shop. 

② Place a table in your garden.
You can place only 1 table.

③ Click the table.
[1]Choose a food and number.
[2]Choose a table cloth.
[3]Choose a table napkin.
[4]Click a pink button "パーティーをはじめる!" as "start a party"

but when you started a party, it is not noticed anyone.
so, if you need visitor to eat, Write your profile that "you are having a party now".

▼You can use these phrase.
I have a food party.

▼under holding a food party.

▼I have a food party, come to my room.

How to eat?
How to eat a food at someone's garden?
① Eat your self or Find someone.
[1]You can eat ownself only 1 time par 1 day.
[2]Find a person whose food party.
There is no function to find a food party.
So you shoud find a person whose food party. from your buddy and watered history...
Go to the marcket. and click a person. Find a person whose profile is written the word パーティー[as party].
If you found it, go to his/her garden.

②When you come to someone's garden, Click a chair.
Then you  click a food ”たべる” [as eat]
③when you finished eating, this page will be displayed.
This is just for leave a message for owner.
you choose an icon.
means "thanks"
smile :)  means "yummy"
hand means "see you again"
then click a pink button "食事をおわる" as finish.
That's all.
If you can.. water that garden for thanks.
But don't expect to get a water from food visitor.

My food was eaten from 20 people. 
But  they didn't water my plant even if they are my friend.

But don't forget place a food, if you ate somewhere.
Maybe they will come to your garden to eat back.

Click your table to check Guest Book.
guest book is green button. 
you can eat back from guest list.

You should eat on daily quest.
New daily quest was added.
Daily quest is only the way to get a "Life Ticket"
you can get 1 ticket when you cleared the daily quest. Daily quest list▶
Eating Quest was added yesterday.
So you should find food party of that food.

Eating on Daily Quest

For example this quest,
Eat tomato omelet 3 times.
You should find 3 food event of tomato omelet.
But not easy to find the event.
Because there is no function to find food event.
If you can't find foods, Use these phrase at the public area.
transpose food name to xxxxx.
find your food name on cooking level list▶

for example 
: tomato omelet トマトオムレツ
Do anyone have xxxxx?


Do anyone have xxxxx?

 I' m looking for xxxxx.

Do you have xxxxx?

Do anyone have food party of xxxxx?

Sometimes I leave my account at the lonely market.
If you find me, then if i am not Afk, Ask me to serve a food you that you are looking for.
but I can't tell my account.

So Good Luck for your food party ;)


  1. ohoh oh, another new addition, finally with all the food prepared after each quest. Nothing is going to be wasted.

    I will go and set up my table for the party.

    Thanks Yuna ^^

  2. kitamura>>
    you are welcome ;)

    actually food party is just for fun.

    enjoy your food party ;)

  3. I wonder if I can eat food at my own garden. because i don't have enough money to buy the table yet so i don't know. I have daily quest to eat 4 strawberry pudding but i have no clue to find people who serve that in their garden.

  4. Mộng Nai >>
    Did you find strawberry pudding party?

    Say this phrase at the public area.

    Do anyone have strawberry pudding party?

    If someone answer.

    yes I have

    You say
    I going to your garden.

    Good Luck

  5. aaa that help a lot, thank you so much <3

  6. Yay! I was having a hard time looking for a tea party that serves tomato omelet ^^;

    I went to the market and said トマトオムレツあるひと〜? then someone offered to help me, luckily she can also speak english. So happy!

    So thank you so much for the translations, it helped me a lot! <3

  7. need pop corn to eat, i find nobody yet, i want to find you but i always in my garden LOL

  8. yummyberry >>
    I m glad to hear that.
    then you are lucky that you found a english epeaker. ;)

    me too, it's hard to find a person whose popcorn.
    today im not at the public area so much.
    good luck.

  9. how do you move the table to the garden? I got one but it won't move outside the house :/

  10. never mind i figured it out :P
