28 April, 2011

How to search and join to the community?

how to search the community?
go to the community search. 

① put something key word

②skip “ full community”
100 people is maximum of the community.
if the community has already 100 people
it is not on search if it is checked.
if you want to search even full,
take off this check.

③choose the category

④click the search
then there is a search result like this right picture.
for example, we search about "pico"
there were 97 communities.
if you want to search new community, click "できた順"
if you want to search big community, click "人数順"

when you find a community, let's send a request message.
and click "yes".
when you are accepted,

it will say  "○○に入会しました。"

④ How to invite?
⑤ about the community.

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