22 July, 2011

Exchange items

Foods and flowers exchange items are released in pigg life.
but indeed unreasonable trade to get these items.
especially to get foods pot are surprisingly hard... 
Plants exchange
Go to the marcket and ask ノーラNora to exchange food items.

exchange stuff

strawberry pot ×100 +×50 +
×50 +
tomato pot ×100 +×50 +
carrot pot ×100 +×50 +
potato pot ×100 +×50 +
eggplant pot ×50 +×50
pear pot "pear tarte"×50
changed items are in your decor box.

Flowers Exchange.
Go to the park and ask Layla to change flower pot items.

exchange stuff
×100 +×10
※how to get a seed?>> 
when you harvest a sunflower sometimes you can get a seed. but that's not always. only a few chance.

poppy pot ×30 +×30 +

rose pot ×30+×30+
※how to get a golden rose?>>
when you harvest rose tree, sometimes you will get a golden rose. It's rare item. you can not get always.

lavender pot ×50 + ×50
flower pot
※how to get a watermelon's petal? >>
when you harvest watermelon, sometimes you can get a petal. but that's not always. only a few chance.
changed items are in your decor box.
pigg life how to start? how to play? main page translation quest list
cooking list event exchange items plant level list


  1. When I go to the park i can never see Layla. Should I be at a certain level to see her?

  2. Your Website is so helpful. Thank you :)
